Selection variables are where the user is presented with a choice of options and may select one or several of the options given. For instance, when presenting the user with a list of states to choose from for an address, the list of states would be a selection variable. Selection values have the following options:
Select from: You can choose whether the options the user can select from are ones you enter on the specific selection variable, or whether the options come in from a table or user input. For options that you are going to use over and over again, like states, it would make sense to make a table of states and then have all your state selection variables draw from that table; however, if you're only going to use the options you want in this one selection variable, then it would make more sense to just enter the options on that selection variable.
Input Style: You can choose whether the user selects from a dropdown box, checkboxes, a list box, or radio buttons.
Option template: You can choose what is actually displayed to the user here. For instance, if a user is selecting from a list of documents, your list of options may be "PouroverWill, JointTrust, IIOT" but you want the user to actually see "Create a Pourover Will, Create a Joint Revocable Trust, Create an Irrevocable Income-Only Trust". You can put the second list into a column under the options and call the column "Description". Then in the option template, if you put {[Description]}, the users will see the items in the Description column.
Here is a video that describes the options for Selection variables.